Birth Doula Services

What is a Birth Doula?

A birth doula is a non-medically trained professional who supports, advocates, educates and nurtures families as they go through pregnancy, birth and the early postpartum. We are hired by YOU and therefore our focus is simply to support you in the way you desire!

We support in the following ways :


Pregnancy and birth is a very emotional experience. A doula can bring some peace to the anxiety by normalizing the feelings and bodily sensations that take place. Doulas help you work through fears and help you to connect deeper to your own intuition, helping you to confidently birth the way you want.



Supporting you with positive affirmations and truth. You were created to do this. You are meant to birth this baby. Praying for and with you, reminding you of your beliefs and by holding space for your spiritual journey.


A soothing touch anywhere from massage to hip squeezes or simply holding your hand can definitely bring comfort and a sense of control. Focus on breathing, changing positions and movements, nurturing through food and drink as well as help with birth space set-up and more.



By providing evidence-based information, clients are able to make informed choices and thus trust their intuition. With this education, doulas help you learn to self-advocate and gain confidence in your body and it’s ability to birth babies.


Benefits of Hiring a Doula

  • 39% decrease in risk of cesarean

  • shorter labours of 41 minutes on average

  • 15% increase in the chance of spontaneous vaginal birth

  • 38% decrease in the baby’s risk of having a low Apgar score

  • With continuous one-on-one support, there is a decrease in the request for pain medication and epidurals

Birth Doula Packages


Virtual Support


(Payment Plans available)

Virtual doula support is an amazing alternative to having a doula right with you. Providing you with warm, compassionate, caring support via phone or video call and text/Whatsapp.

Your Sessions include:

  • Discuss birth preferences and write birth plan

  • Overview of comfort measures and labour positions

  • Fear-release activity

  • Evidence-based information tailored to your specific needs

  • On-going virtual support, as needed during labour and birth via video, phone or text

  • 2x Postpartum sessions

  • Birth processing




(Payment plans available)

This package will prepare you with confidence as you go into your birth. Meeting in-person for birth envisioning helps to build trust and familiarity within the birth team. This is known to positively affect birth outcomes. It’s invaluable.

This package includes:

  • Complimentary Consultation

  • 2x Prenatal visits + Fear Release session

  • Access to lending library

  • On-call support at 37 weeks

  • Continuous labour and birth support, up to 2 hours postpartum to help with breastfeeding

  • Birth pictures + videos, if requested

  • 1x postpartum visit




(Payment plans available)

This package is overflowing with wonderful support both prenatally and postpartum. Allowing the client/doula relationship to extend a few weeks longer can really help support the emotional transition to life with a new baby.

This package includes:

  • Everything in the Gold package plus

  • 2x postpartum visits within 4 weeks of the birth.

  • Birth processing

  • Written up birth timeline

  • Postpartum Wellness basket

Additional Services:

(You do not need to hire me as your doula in order to access these services)

Mini childbirth education class- virtually or in-person - $100

• Comfort measures - private in-person session - $150

• Childbirth Education + Comfort Measures in-person - $250